Seeds to Starts Workshops

Our spring Seeds to Starts workshops are now completed. Thank you to everyone who volunteered. Check back in July for the dates of our fall Seeds to Starts workshops. We hope you can join us and learn about starting your own seeds at home while helping us start our transplants for our spring gardens.

What is Seeds to Starts?

In these workshops, we’ll start many of the vegetables and herbs that we’ll plant in our gardens during our Dig-ins, and you’ll be able to take some home. Join us for one or more of the workshops where you can help us help Austinites have better access to nutritious, affordable food while learning how to start growing your own vegetables from seed. Participants will learn how to prepare soil for seeds, how to plant seeds, and how to transfer seedlings into starter pots. No gardening experience is needed.

Workshop Description and Registration:

All spring workshops are now completed. Following are the dates for our spring Seeds to Starts workshop. Note that the workshops are independent and you’re welcome to join us for 1, 2 or all 3. Registration will open soon so check back.

  • Workshop 1 – completedSaturday January 18th, 9:00 am to noon – we started seeds in trays and flats for our fall gardens.
  • Workshop 2 completed – Saturday February 8th, 9:00 am to noon. We bumped the starts from the 1st workshop to individual pots and start additional seeds in flats and trays.
  • Workshop 3completed – Saturday March 1st, 9:00 am to noon – we bumped the starts from the 2nd workshop to individual pots.

Splitting the workshops up this way allows us to have transplants ready to go in the ground throughout our 5+ weeks of Dig-ins.

What to do on the Seeds to Starts Workshop day

Please be sure to check your e-mail both the night before and the morning of the workshop as it is possible that we may need to reschedule because of weather or other reasons. dress appropriately for the weather and bring water and gloves if you use them (we’ll have some gloves available.)

The workshops will be held at 1901 Matthews Lane in South Austin.  Look for the bright blue and yellow house with a Green Corn Project banner on the tall chain link fence to the left. This is where you enter the property. You can park on the side streets in the surrounding neighborhood but be mindful of driveways and mailboxes.

Here are a few photos from our fall STS Workshops (click for more GCP photos):